How is Your Heart Rhythm?

As I shared with the audience at the events last week, focused on ‘When Health Meets Tech’, the combination of Small Sensors, Big Data, and Smart Phones is ready to liberate and improve diagnostic testing.

Point of care. Just in time. On Demand. Anywhere.

Meet Kardia Mobile.

I will report to you how this tech can be potentially used.


Log in and sign up was easy. Basic demographics.

Asks if I have a doctor who gave me the code to link my data to that practice EHR.


Simple but accurate patient education on heart anatomy and learning about EKG.


Overall, Kardia appears to be well designed, with good hardware and software integration and easy user interface.

I downloaded the Alive Cor Kardia app.

Sign up was easy.

The first EKG recording took 30 seconds.

Now we wait. The first recording gets reviewed by a cardiologist before they release it to the user.

Stay tuned.



I will report back

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