More and more children are diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and they often suffer from behavioral issues at school and home. Many of these kids have difficulty learning and socializing.
Does your elementary school kid know how to operate the smart TV?
Does your kid have access to Netflix, Amazon prime, Hulu or YouTube?
Does your kid have a hand-me-down iPad or a smart phone?
Does your kid have a TV in the bedroom?
Does your kid have Snapchat, Instagram, or other social media on their device?
Does your kid have after school sports practices or Games on school nights?
Does your kid enjoy video gaming a lot?
Does your kid mainly enjoy processed food with artificial sweeteners, coloring agents and sugars? Do you even cook daily?
Does your kid get to drink sugar sweetened beverages that may sound “healthy” such as chocolate milk, Vitamin water, Fruit juices, or heaven forbid- Coke, Sprite, Pepsi, or Mountain Dew?
Is your kid a restless sleeper? Have you heard any snoring? Do you have difficulty waking them up in the morning?
Is your kid a little bit on the heavier side and has the pediatrician mentioned that?
If any of the above seems like it applies to your kid and you often wonder if the kid has learning issues or attention deficit disorder you may want to consider sleep check up.
Due to over stimulation, too many late evening activities, interruption from devices and screen time, our kids are getting less and less good quality and quantity of sleep.
A lot of new research is suggesting that 50 to 75% of people diagnosed with ADHD may have sleep disorders and poor sleep worsens their symptoms. Often times, improving the quality and quantity of sleep may dramatically improve the symptoms of ADHD.
If your kid is a preschooler between the age of 3 to 5 that kid should get 10 to 13 hours of sleep according to the American Academy of pediatrics.
Good healthy habits start early. Making sure your kid gets enough good quality sleep will improve their behavior, academic performance, sports performance, and allow them to have healthy weight in their adult life as well.
Steps you can take:
1. No TV or devices in the bedroom.
2. Lights out before 9 PM to get at least 10 hours of sleep for your kid between the ages 3-18.
As an adult, you should aim for getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep for yourself!
3. If your kid snores, get it checked out.