Change is hard. Change is inevitable.
It is difficult to change ourselves, let alone trying to change others.
It is well known that seven of the top 10 killer diseases in the US are potentially preventable chronic lifestyle diseases.
With the rising epidemic of overweight we are seeing the rise of type two diabetes, even amongst young children. Presence of diabetes increases the risk of various complications such as heart disease, kidney failure, stroke along with infection and sepsis.
Today, it was incredible to attend the annual Drive4Diabetes golf tournament at the fantastic Lake of Isles golf course, hosted by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation.
The funds raised at this excellent event lead to many improvements in the delivery of care to patient with diabetes and preventing the onset of diabetes in many cases.
I applaud these agents of change who come together every year for a great cause. Let us change the risk and prevention of diabetes in our communities together.
I promise to change as well. I have never golfed before but I plan to take lessons from Jimmy Jones and I intend to play with the foursome at the next years Drive4Diabetes tournament.
Here’s to change!